

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Common ownership of property acquired jointly, including transmittance and inheritance.
  2. An object's transparency is measured by its total transmittance.
  3. These types of products are NFRC-ratable for visible transmittance.
  4. Transmittance of ruby in optical and near-IR spectra.
  5. A pulsed Fourier transform spectrometer does not employ transmittance techniques.


  1. "transmittals"の例文
  2. "transmittance"の例文
  3. "transmittance of lens"の例文
  4. "transmittance of light"の例文
  5. "transmittance spectra"の例文
  6. "transmittancy"の例文
  7. "transmitte"の例文
  8. "transmitted"の例文
  9. "transmitted bandwidth"の例文
  10. "transmitted beam"の例文
  11. "transmittance of light"の例文
  12. "transmittance spectra"の例文
  13. "transmittancy"の例文
  14. "transmitte"の例文

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