transmitted byの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. MUSENEWS stories will be transmitted by wire weekly during the test period.
  2. There have been no reported cases of mad cow transmitted by medications.
  3. Research has not found the disease to be transmitted by dairy products.
  4. Yellow Fever is transmitted by mosquitoes, and there is no known cure.
  5. The radio waves transmitted by cellular phones mostly come from the antenna.


  1. "transmitte"の例文
  2. "transmitted"の例文
  3. "transmitted bandwidth"の例文
  4. "transmitted beam"の例文
  5. "transmitted beams"の例文
  6. "transmitted by droplets"の例文
  7. "transmitted chains"の例文
  8. "transmitted data"の例文
  9. "transmitted electron"の例文
  10. "transmitted energy"の例文
  11. "transmitted beam"の例文
  12. "transmitted beams"の例文
  13. "transmitted by droplets"の例文
  14. "transmitted chains"の例文

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