transmitted dataの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. All four probes transmitted data throughout their descent to the surface.
  2. The lander transmitted data from the surface for 56 minutes.
  3. Mars 6 lander transmitted data during descent, but failed upon impact.
  4. It transmitted data from the surface for 56 minutes.
  5. Radio-transmitted data from these instruments indicated a yield of about 15 kilotons.


  1. "transmitted beam"の例文
  2. "transmitted beams"の例文
  3. "transmitted by"の例文
  4. "transmitted by droplets"の例文
  5. "transmitted chains"の例文
  6. "transmitted electron"の例文
  7. "transmitted energy"の例文
  8. "transmitted error"の例文
  9. "transmitted flux"の例文
  10. "transmitted from one animal to another"の例文
  11. "transmitted by droplets"の例文
  12. "transmitted chains"の例文
  13. "transmitted electron"の例文
  14. "transmitted energy"の例文

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