transmitted energyの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. This transmitted energy accelerates the frame to the rear as well.
  2. The transmitted energy can be used to calculate the absorption.
  3. These devices generally use some sort of transmitted energy such as radar waves or infrared beams to detect vehicles passing over the roadway.
  4. In contrast, with wireless power the amount of energy received is the important thing, so the efficiency ( fraction of transmitted energy that is received ) is the more significant parameter.
  5. Although not referred to directly in the story, it is implied that the parabolic dishes now fitted to the rear shoulder section of each prop act as receptors for a form of transmitted energy.


  1. "transmitted by"の例文
  2. "transmitted by droplets"の例文
  3. "transmitted chains"の例文
  4. "transmitted data"の例文
  5. "transmitted electron"の例文
  6. "transmitted error"の例文
  7. "transmitted flux"の例文
  8. "transmitted from one animal to another"の例文
  9. "transmitted in package"の例文
  10. "transmitted information"の例文
  11. "transmitted data"の例文
  12. "transmitted electron"の例文
  13. "transmitted error"の例文
  14. "transmitted flux"の例文

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