transversal sectionの例文


  1. Any transversal section of a plane perpendicular to this axis has to behave as a two dimensional rotation.
  2. Then for every path in a leaf of \ mathcal { F } we can consider its induced diffeomorphism on local transversal sections through the endpoints.
  3. Within a simply connected chart this diffeomorphism becomes unique and especially canonical between different transversal sections if we go over to the germ of the diffeomorphism around the endpoints.


  1. "transversal pattern"の例文
  2. "transversal plane"の例文
  3. "transversal profile"の例文
  4. "transversal rib"の例文
  5. "transversal route"の例文
  6. "transversal system"の例文
  7. "transversal theater company"の例文
  8. "transversal theory"の例文
  9. "transversal valley"の例文
  10. "transversal valleys"の例文
  11. "transversal rib"の例文
  12. "transversal route"の例文
  13. "transversal system"の例文
  14. "transversal theater company"の例文

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