transverse archesの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6
  1. The ship has three bays with ribbed vaults separated by transverse arches.
  2. By combining with the transverse arches, the pendants do not require additional structural support.
  3. The pendants are cut from single stones and inserted as wedge stones in the transverse arches.
  4. The central nave is bay being separated from one another by pointed transverse arches with rectangular profiles.
  5. The roofs were flat, made of earth on top of short branches, resting on transverse arches.


  1. "transverse aisle"の例文
  2. "transverse alignment"の例文
  3. "transverse angle"の例文
  4. "transverse aortic arch"の例文
  5. "transverse arch"の例文
  6. "transverse architrave"の例文
  7. "transverse area"の例文
  8. "transverse arm"の例文
  9. "transverse arrangement"の例文
  10. "transverse arrowhead"の例文
  11. "transverse aortic arch"の例文
  12. "transverse arch"の例文
  13. "transverse architrave"の例文
  14. "transverse area"の例文

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