tuberculum imparの例文


  1. The furcula is at first separated from the tuberculum impar by a depression, but later by a ridge, the "'copula "', formed by the forward growth and fusion of the ventral ends of the second, third, and part of the fourth branchial arches.


  1. "tuberculous vaccine"の例文
  2. "tuberculum"の例文
  3. "tuberculum acusticum"の例文
  4. "tuberculum bacillus"の例文
  5. "tuberculum cinereum"の例文
  6. "tuberculum majus"の例文
  7. "tuberculum minus"の例文
  8. "tuberculum olfactorium"の例文
  9. "tuberculum pubicum"の例文
  10. "tuberculum sellae"の例文
  11. "tuberculum bacillus"の例文
  12. "tuberculum cinereum"の例文
  13. "tuberculum majus"の例文
  14. "tuberculum minus"の例文

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