tuberculum pubicumの例文


  1. I understand, I only wish to provide the Wikipedia links to the respective bone's for " ( 4a . corpus, 4b . ramus superior, 4c ramus inferior, 4d tuberculum pubicum ) " where it hasn't been provided though the other's have.


  1. "tuberculum cinereum"の例文
  2. "tuberculum impar"の例文
  3. "tuberculum majus"の例文
  4. "tuberculum minus"の例文
  5. "tuberculum olfactorium"の例文
  6. "tuberculum sellae"の例文
  7. "tubergen"の例文
  8. "tuberhybrida"の例文
  9. "tuberin"の例文
  10. "tuberization"の例文
  11. "tuberculum minus"の例文
  12. "tuberculum olfactorium"の例文
  13. "tuberculum sellae"の例文
  14. "tubergen"の例文

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