

  1. :" Begonia pearcei ", discovered in Bolivia in 1864, is also important in the hybridising of the " Begonia ?tuberhybrida " begonias, the first of which appeared in 1867.
  2. "Begonia veitchii " played an important role in the development of today's popular B . pearcei ", was subsequently hybridized to produce the " Begonia ?tuberhybrida " cultivar group.
  3. Near Arequipa in Peru, he also discovered a new species of tuberous begonia, " Begonia davisii ", which was also named after him . " B . davisii " was later used in the early days of breeding " Begonia ?tuberhybrida " cultivars by John Seden in the Veitch Nurseries at Coombe Wood.
  4. :" Begonia veitchii " was introduced to Europe in 1866 after Pearce discovered it in the Peruvian Andes near Cusco at an elevation of from 10, 000 12, 000 feet . " Begonia veitchii " played an important role in the development of today's popular hybrid cultivars and, together with Pearce's other introductions, " B . boliviensis " and " B . pearcei ", was subsequently hybridized to produce the " Begonia ?tuberhybrida " cultivar group.


  1. "tuberculum minus"の例文
  2. "tuberculum olfactorium"の例文
  3. "tuberculum pubicum"の例文
  4. "tuberculum sellae"の例文
  5. "tubergen"の例文
  6. "tuberin"の例文
  7. "tuberization"の例文
  8. "tuberlike"の例文
  9. "tubermycin"の例文
  10. "tubero"の例文
  11. "tuberculum sellae"の例文
  12. "tubergen"の例文
  13. "tuberin"の例文
  14. "tuberization"の例文

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