

  1. Indian cucumber-root shoots arise each spring from an overwintering tuberlike structure.
  2. Ginger is actually a rhizome _ a tuberlike stem with roots of its own.
  3. This is a perennial herb growing from a slender rhizome with thickened, tuberlike tips.
  4. Gardeners north of Zone 9 have to dig up the tuberlike roots and store them like dahlias in the winter, but I wouldn't mind for this looker.
  5. But what Southern diners need to know is that the tuberlike roots grown in these parts are sweet potatoes, said a spokesman for the Georgia Agriculture Department's Consumer Services hotline.


  1. "tuberculum sellae"の例文
  2. "tubergen"の例文
  3. "tuberhybrida"の例文
  4. "tuberin"の例文
  5. "tuberization"の例文
  6. "tubermycin"の例文
  7. "tubero"の例文
  8. "tuberoeruptive xanthoma"の例文
  9. "tuberoeruptive xanthomas"の例文
  10. "tuberoids"の例文
  11. "tuberin"の例文
  12. "tuberization"の例文
  13. "tubermycin"の例文
  14. "tubero"の例文

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