type 051 destroyerの例文


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  1. The HY-1J was intended for use on the Type 051 destroyers.
  2. For example, " Jinan " was allocated to a Type 051 destroyer.
  3. A total of 16 Type 051 destroyers were built between 1968 and 1991.9 remain in service today.
  4. Type 673-II / ZKJ-I was used on early models of Type 051 destroyer No . 132.
  5. The vessel, which served with the PLAN for almost 34 years, was believed to be the country's last active Type 051 destroyer.


  1. "type 035g submarine"の例文
  2. "type 039 submarine"の例文
  3. "type 039a submarine"の例文
  4. "type 05"の例文
  5. "type 051"の例文
  6. "type 051b"の例文
  7. "type 051b destroyer"の例文
  8. "type 051c destroyer"の例文
  9. "type 052"の例文
  10. "type 052 destroyer"の例文
  11. "type 05"の例文
  12. "type 051"の例文
  13. "type 051b"の例文
  14. "type 051b destroyer"の例文

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