

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. Scores of draft bilateral agreements remain unconcluded because Macedonia disagrees with Bulgaria's insistence that Macedonian is a strain of the Bulgarian.
  2. Reid frequently left deals unconcluded, and discovered that the script he d commissioned was attached to a cover with another screenwriter and producer s name listed.
  3. Meanwhile, the president's campaign aides are beginning to make discreet criticisms of the Senate majority leader, with whom Clinton has spent so many hours negotiating a still-unconcluded federal budget deal.
  4. Among his stories are Nicolasia del Espiritu Santo ( 1943 ), El Padre Cantalicio, El borracho de la casa and El hombre que rob?una pava ( unconcluded ), all of these were published after his death.
  5. One group of manuscripts have either been left unconcluded or supplied with text that matches an " Anonymous Paraphrase " of the work ( speculatively attributed to Proclus ); the other presents text which is the same in general content, but longer, according with manuscripts that were transmitted through Arabic translations.


  1. "unconcession"の例文
  2. "unconciliable"の例文
  3. "unconciliatory"の例文
  4. "unconcious"の例文
  5. "unconcise"の例文
  6. "unconclusive"の例文
  7. "unconcrete"の例文
  8. "unconcreted"の例文
  9. "uncondemned"の例文
  10. "uncondemning"の例文
  11. "unconcious"の例文
  12. "unconcise"の例文
  13. "unconclusive"の例文
  14. "unconcrete"の例文

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