underlined passagesの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. Bishop recalls seeing Doe underlining passages in grade-school books.
  2. Later, you'll fix all those underlined passages.
  3. To find out what the problem is, right click anywhere in the underlined passage and choose Grammar.
  4. Batista handed her a Bible and asked her to read an underlined passage from Malachi 3 : 10, which makes reference to tithing, or giving:
  5. Fascinated by what he read, particularly by the essay on " King Lear ", he underlined passages and added comments in the margins.


  1. "underline words"の例文
  2. "underlined"の例文
  3. "underlined character"の例文
  4. "underlined letter"の例文
  5. "underlined name"の例文
  6. "underlinen"の例文
  7. "underlinens"の例文
  8. "underliner"の例文
  9. "underliners"の例文
  10. "underlines"の例文
  11. "underlined letter"の例文
  12. "underlined name"の例文
  13. "underlinen"の例文
  14. "underlinens"の例文

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