

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. The past week has yet again underlined the frustrations and dangers.
  2. Underline it a couple of times with broad, black strokes.
  3. Bishop recalls seeing Doe underlining passages in grade-school books.
  4. "It's like underlining the word ."
  5. But the lack of diva melodrama underlines Mary's reserve.


  1. "underline nouns"の例文
  2. "underline text"の例文
  3. "underline that"の例文
  4. "underline the weakness"の例文
  5. "underline words"の例文
  6. "underlined character"の例文
  7. "underlined letter"の例文
  8. "underlined name"の例文
  9. "underlined passages"の例文
  10. "underlinen"の例文
  11. "underline the weakness"の例文
  12. "underline words"の例文
  13. "underlined character"の例文
  14. "underlined letter"の例文

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