

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6
  1. I created as a redirect to Uotsuri Jima ( 1st edit ).
  2. Japanese authorities arrested the activists for trespassing Wednesday after they landed on the uninhabited island of Uotsuri.
  3. is a mountain located on Uotsuri-jima of Senkaku Islands in Ishigaki, Okinawa, Japan.
  4. Japanese authorities continued questioning the seven Chinese activists arrested for their allegedly illegal visit to the isle of Uotsuri.
  5. Japanese authorities arrested the seven Chinese activists on Wednesday after they landed on an island that Japan calls Uotsuri.


  1. "uota ale"の例文
  2. "uotani"の例文
  3. "uoti"の例文
  4. "uotila"の例文
  5. "uotinen"の例文
  6. "uotsuri jima"の例文
  7. "uottawa"の例文
  8. "uov"の例文
  9. "uova"の例文
  10. "uova di bufala"の例文
  11. "uotila"の例文
  12. "uotinen"の例文
  13. "uotsuri jima"の例文
  14. "uottawa"の例文

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