urban and rural developmentの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7
  1. Projects fall into one or more of five areas : urban and rural development.
  2. He said urban and rural development in China were a " priority among priorities ."
  3. Between April 2002 and Feb . 2004 she was Member of Committee on Urban and Rural Development.
  4. Studies at CAH Almere University of Applied Sciences focus on urban and rural development, including urban food production.
  5. He said 55 Orang Asli integrated settlements had been built by the Urban and Rural Development Department in Pahang.


  1. "urban and rural"の例文
  2. "urban and rural areas"の例文
  3. "urban and rural construction"の例文
  4. "urban and rural credit cooperative"の例文
  5. "urban and rural credit cooperatives"の例文
  6. "urban and rural market"の例文
  7. "urban and rural residents"の例文
  8. "urban and rural roads"の例文
  9. "urban and rural savings deposits"の例文
  10. "urban and small stream flood advisory"の例文
  11. "urban and rural credit cooperative"の例文
  12. "urban and rural credit cooperatives"の例文
  13. "urban and rural market"の例文
  14. "urban and rural residents"の例文

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