urban and rural residentsの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5
  1. Urban and rural residents experienced significant differences in access to health care.
  2. The gun issue also reveals divisions between Washington's urban and rural residents.
  3. Equal time is given to Kurds, Sunnis, and Shiites; urban and rural residents.
  4. The Engel s Coefficients for urban and rural residents are 35.9 % and 38.1 % respectively.
  5. At this time, the hukou system was implemented, which divided the population into urban and rural residents.


  1. "urban and rural construction"の例文
  2. "urban and rural credit cooperative"の例文
  3. "urban and rural credit cooperatives"の例文
  4. "urban and rural development"の例文
  5. "urban and rural market"の例文
  6. "urban and rural roads"の例文
  7. "urban and rural savings deposits"の例文
  8. "urban and small stream flood advisory"の例文
  9. "urban and suburban roads"の例文
  10. "urban and township land use tax"の例文
  11. "urban and rural development"の例文
  12. "urban and rural market"の例文
  13. "urban and rural roads"の例文
  14. "urban and rural savings deposits"の例文

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