vaccine costsの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
  1. But as vaccine costs have risen, this longtime government commitment has disintegrated.
  2. Each dose of flu vaccine costs between $ 15 and $ 20.
  3. The vaccine costs between 50 and 60 cents per dose in developing countries.
  4. In China, the vaccine costs about $ 4 for the series of three shots.
  5. The vaccine costs dlrs 18, said public Health Deputy Minister Sher Mohammed Abbas Stanekzai.


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  4. "vaccine controversies"の例文
  5. "vaccine controversy"の例文
  6. "vaccine court"の例文
  7. "vaccine critic"の例文
  8. "vaccine critics"の例文
  9. "vaccine damage payment"の例文
  10. "vaccine design"の例文
  11. "vaccine controversies"の例文
  12. "vaccine controversy"の例文
  13. "vaccine court"の例文
  14. "vaccine critic"の例文

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