- A disgusted Atropos determines to leave the service of the counterfete gods saying, For oo God ther ys that can euery dell / Turne as hym lyst, bothe dry & whete, / In to whos seruyce I shall assay to gete ( 39 ).
- Andrew Boorde uses the same phrase in 1542, " And evyll bakers, the which doth nat make good breade of whete, but wyl myngle other corne with whete, or do nat order and seson hit, gyving good wegght, I would they myghte play bo pepe throwe a pyllery ".
- Andrew Boorde uses the same phrase in 1542, " And evyll bakers, the which doth nat make good breade of whete, but wyl myngle other corne with whete, or do nat order and seson hit, gyving good wegght, I would they myghte play bo pepe throwe a pyllery ".
- will you pls provide / advice me to retrive the information regarding the above said subject, very long back i heard that there is some sort of information related to the temple was submerged under the sea water, constructed by kuluthunga chola maharaj, kindly provide me the information other wise advice me whete to get it, i have confidence there is some information in very famous thanjavuru library in india, very long back i found tamil script related to the subject . kind send me the information to my mail id mentioned below