white house tourの例文


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  1. He never took that White House tour with one of the Fords.
  2. Also, the White House Tour Line number is ( 202 ) 456-7041.
  3. They live in the Watergate complex, and they take a White House tour.
  4. Then again, this will liven up those stodgy White House tours.
  5. A few weeks ago, I actually took the White House tour.


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  6. "white house tours"の例文
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  8. "white house travel office"の例文
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  10. "white house vegetable garden"の例文
  11. "white house tee ball initiative"の例文
  12. "white house tn"の例文
  13. "white house tours"の例文
  14. "white house transportation agency"の例文

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