- In the United States, most yersiniosis infections among humans are caused by " Yersinia enterocolitica ".
- Yersiniosis is mentioned as a specific zoonotic disease to prevent outbreaks in European Council Directive 92 / 117 / EEC.
- Other threats to the hare are pasteurellosis, yersiniosis ( pseudo-tuberculosis ), coccidiosis and tularaemia, which are the principal sources of mortality.
- The estimated cost to the country in 2009 of the six foodborne illnesses campylobacteriosis, salmonellosis, norovirus, yersiniosis, STEC and listeriosis was NZ $ 161 million.
- His final two papers described unusual outbreaks in Rome, New York, and Holland Patients, N . Y ., of " Giardiasis ", and " Yersiniosis ", appear respectively during the 1970's in the New England Journal of Medicine, and the Annuals of Internal Medicine.