

  1. In the United States, most yersiniosis infections among humans are caused by " Yersinia enterocolitica ".
  2. Yersiniosis is mentioned as a specific zoonotic disease to prevent outbreaks in European Council Directive 92 / 117 / EEC.
  3. Other threats to the hare are pasteurellosis, yersiniosis ( pseudo-tuberculosis ), coccidiosis and tularaemia, which are the principal sources of mortality.
  4. The estimated cost to the country in 2009 of the six foodborne illnesses campylobacteriosis, salmonellosis, norovirus, yersiniosis, STEC and listeriosis was NZ $ 161 million.
  5. His final two papers described unusual outbreaks in Rome, New York, and Holland Patients, N . Y ., of " Giardiasis ", and " Yersiniosis ", appear respectively during the 1970's in the New England Journal of Medicine, and the Annuals of Internal Medicine.


  1. "yersinia pestis"の例文
  2. "yersinia pestiss"の例文
  3. "yersinia pseudotuberculosis"の例文
  4. "yersinia ruckeri"の例文
  5. "yersiniabactin"の例文
  6. "yersins"の例文
  7. "yerson candelo"の例文
  8. "yerson opazo"の例文
  9. "yersu kim"の例文
  10. "yert"の例文
  11. "yersinia ruckeri"の例文
  12. "yersiniabactin"の例文
  13. "yersins"の例文
  14. "yerson candelo"の例文

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