yerusalem weddingの例文


  1. Examples of Holtz's work throughout the years include : " Yerusalem Wedding " ( 2010 ), depicting a Chuppa in Jerusalem on early evening, oil on canvas; " The Funeral " ( 1966 ), depicting five stoic Hasidim carrying a body on a bier over to a gravesite, with the people behind them crying, in charcoal on paper and oil on canvas; " Rejoicing " ( 1974 ), an image of religious men dancing, in felt pen and marker on paper; and the oil painting " Shamash Learning in Shul " ( 2003 ), a portrait of a pious Jew studying the Talmud inside a claustrophobic synagogue scene.


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  12. "yerusalem"の例文
  13. "yerusalimka"の例文
  14. "yerushalaim"の例文

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