

    もっと例文:   1  2  3
  1. USY High is the sister program of Tichon Ramah Yerushalaim ( TRY ), a program of Ramah.
  2. Much of her success, including " Yerushalaim Shel Zahav ", was due to the song contests of the time.
  3. Among her honors are the Israel Prize for children's literature ( 1984 ) and the Yakir Yerushalaim award ( 1992 ).
  4. It hit # 1 in the weekly music charts of Israeli radio stations Galgalatz, Radio Darom, Radio Lev HaMedinah, Radio Haifa, Radio Tzafon Lelo Hafsaka and Radio Yerushalaim.
  5. The problem now is that what the Jews call " Yerushalaim " and the Palestinians call " Al Quds " has become a symbol of national struggle and pride.


  1. "yerupaja chico"の例文
  2. "yerupajas"の例文
  3. "yerusalem"の例文
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  5. "yerusalimka"の例文
  6. "yerushalaim shel zahav"の例文
  7. "yerushalayim"の例文
  8. "yerushalayim shel zahav"の例文
  9. "yerushalmi"の例文
  10. "yerushalmim"の例文
  11. "yerusalem wedding"の例文
  12. "yerusalimka"の例文
  13. "yerushalaim shel zahav"の例文
  14. "yerushalayim"の例文

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