01 levelの例文
- The primary differences were slightly different arrangement of the " Officer's Country " staterooms with additional staterooms in the 01 level instead of the open deck between the boat decks.
- When the ship hit heavy seas headed south for a picket the forward 3 inch gun was ripped off the deck and thrown up onto the 01 level and the forward spaces were flooded.
- Immediately aft of the torpedo deck on the 01 level of the new superstructure, a hangar area and flight deck, from which the new Drone Antisubmarine Helicopter ( DASH ) could operate, was installed.
- Three days later, the crew again was called to respond to another emergency G . Q . At midnight on 11 April, a fire was discovered in a catapult steam trunk in the forward part of the ship at about the 01 level, and another fire was found in an adjoining storeroom minutes later.
- The new ASROC launcher was installed between the stacks in the space formerly held by her 21-inch torpedo tubes which, in turn, were replaced by two 12.75-inch triple torpedo tube mounts located on the 01 level forward of the bridge one to port and the other to starboard.
- Designed to extend the life of the destroyer by eight years, the overhaul enabled her to meet the challenge of newer and faster enemy submarines . " Ault " s 40 mm and 20 mm gunmounts were removed, and her 01 level afterdeck was converted to a helicopter flight deck to facilitate the use of drone antisubmarine helicopters ( DASH ), one of the Navy's newest weapon systems which enabled the destroyer to reach out farther in search of submarine targets.