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  • The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog . 0123456789
  • :Latin letters and Arabic numerals are very common, but 0N孨 N踁擭mQNkQ ] N or 鰱馲 _ 耂唨 Ox?oLc杝 are sometimes used as digits instead of 0123456789, and talk ) 03 : 32, 19 October 2010 ( UTC)
  • This corresponds to Special : Booksources / 0123456789 . This is a link to a special booksource page, the page Wikipedia : Book sources, which provides links to find that edition of the book ( that ISBN ) in dozens of libraries, online bookstores, brick-and-mortar stores, bookfinding services, and more-- and anyone who really wants to buy it from Amazon can do so from there.