- Approximate state tax, title, license : $ 1, 025
- In Western Natural Gas, about 1, 025 contracts traded.
- Uralita shares fell 35 pesetas, or to 1, 025.
- Power company Iberdrola SA rose 5 pesetas to 2, 025.
- Price as tested : $ 52, 025, including transportation.
- Of the 1, 025 recipients, only 307 are Bumiputeras.
- Total : 3, 282, 031, down 7, 025
- State median household income, 1995 : $ 39, 025.
- Gene Kelly, Dem 2, 025, 024-32 percent
- Jamey Wright 1, 025, 000 2, 350, 000
- DellCptr 47, 025, 600 25.76 _ . 53
- Perlis had a population of 227, 025 as of 2010.
- The town lies at an altitude of 1, 025 mt.
- The 65, 025 acre preserve is owned by conservation group.
- He followed it up with 1, 025 yards the next year.
- Stockpiles fell 200 metric tons to 133, 025 tons.
- Food and lodging . . . . . . . 11, 025
- They had a crowd of 67, 025 rocking Pro Player Stadium.
- New York Jets, $ 1, 963, 025; 28.
- Daytona 500 ! 14 ! $ 120, 025 Feb . 27!