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  • Inspector General's report : http : / / www . usdoj . gov / oig / special / 0312 / index . htm
  • These stories will be available via a Budget Tool WAN search with a location of Dayton, a rundate of 0312 and a category of News.
  • The tremor hit at 0312 GMT Friday and was centered near the eastern coastal town of Higuerote, about 112 miles ( 180 kilometers ) east of Caracas, Herbert Rendon of the Venezuelan Foundation of Seismological Investigations told Globovision television.
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  • :in his pathbreaking paper on the wider implications of peer-to-peer, Michel Bauwens argues that peer-to-peer may even unveil the basis of a new model of . . . http : / / www . nettime . org / Lists-Archives / nettime-l-0312 / msg00012 . html
  • For example, the infantry field ( 03 ) has ten enlisted classifications : rifleman ( MOS 0311 ), riverine assault craft ( MOS 0312 ), light armored vehicle crewman ( MOS 0313 ), scout sniper ( MOS 0317 ), reconnaissance man ( MOS 0321 ), machine gunner ( MOS 0331 ), mortarman ( MOS 0341 ), assaultman ( MOS 0351 ), antitank assault guided missileman ( MOS 0352 ), and infantry unit leader ( MOS 0369 ).