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  • MILLIWAYS, Route 209, Stone Ridge . ( 914 ) 687-0736.
  • Information : ( 718 ) 796-0736.
  • Those interested in learning more about the foundation can call ( 913 ) 682-0736.
  • INN AT STONE RIDGE, Route 209, Stone Ridge . ( 914 ) 687-0736.
  • The Defense Ministry said communication was lost at 10 : 36 a . m . ( 0736 GMT ).
  • INN AT STONE RIDGE ( HASBROUCK HOUSE ), Route 209 North, Stone Ridge ( 914 ) 687-0736.
  • He said that radio contact with the helicopters was lost at 10 : 36 a . m . ( 0736 GMT ).
  • FESTIVAL at Dixon Place, 258 Bowery, at Houston Street; information : ( 212 ) 219-0736; www . dixonplace . org.
  • More information about the festival is available from the Bengkulu provincial tourism office ( 0736 31272 ) and Cakrawala magazine ( 021 829-1040 ).
  • The European Space Agency's 3-ton Rosetta probe was scheduled to blast off atop an Ariane-5 rocket from Kourou, French Guiana at 0736 GMT _ 24 hours after strong atmospheric winds delayed the first launch attempt.
  • The European Space Agency's 3-ton Rosetta probe was scheduled to blast off on board the rocket from Kourou, French Guiana at 0736 GMT _ 24 hours after high winds in the upper atmosphere delayed the first launch attempt.
  • In 1947 AIGA started publishing the " AIGA Journal of Graphic Design " ( ISSN 0736-5322 ), which in 2000 was renamed " Trace : AIGA Journal of Design " ( ISSN 1471-3497 ).
  • The quake, with a preliminary magnitude of 3.8, occurred at 10 : 36 a . m . ( 0736 GMT ) in the Vrancea region of the eastern Carpathian Mountains, about 175 kilometers ( 103 miles ) northeast of Bucharest.
  • At 9.36 a . m . ( 0736 GMT ), Heineken traded at 82.50 guilders ( dlrs 43.42 ), up 2.00 guilders ( dlrs 1.05 ) or 2.5 percent while the AEX benchmark index was down 1.8 percent.