- Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz, ( 914 ) 255-0752.
- Bee Unlimited ( 800-233-0752 ), $ 24.95 srp.
- MK-0752 has given promising results in an early clinical trial for breast cancer.
- Having dived at 0743, " La Sibylle " was attacked for a first time at 0752.
- Jacobsen scored his first aerial victory with them, downing a 70 Squadron Sopwith Camel over Linselles at 0752 hours on 19 August 1917.
- Investigators could not immediately determine the cause of the collision, which happened at 8 : 52 a . m . ( 0752 GMT ).
- The source of this color is the " Pantone Textile Paper eXtended ( TPX ) " color list, color # 13-0752 TPX Lemon.
- Swissair spokesman Erwin Schaerer said a collision between the Swissair Geneva to New York flight and the KLM's Flight 0752 was avoided thanks to electronic warning devices.
- "Ouch !, " exercisE r229 206 * 7992904202247306792176793 : 6; 79247 ) 80749403 : 29 " 0752 ) 14727 : 7750748 0 : Torrez's shoulder with his teeth.
- *Ludovic Balavoine, " Le syst鑝e b閚閒icial du dioc鑣e de Bayeux sous l'閜iscopat de Fran鏾is de Nesmond ( 1662-1715 ) ", Histoire, 閏onomie et soci閠?ISSN 0752-5702, 2009, no . 2, pp . 3 13.
- At Melia's more upscale option, the 434-room Paradisus, ( 809 ) 687-9923, fax ( 809 ) 687-0752, all-inclusive extends to drinks in the bars, horseback riding ( extra fees everywhere else ) and scuba diving.