- For a copy of the firm's catalog, which includes recipes, call ( 800 ) 388-0897.
- For a free copy, write Quaker Grits Stop, P . O . Box 470897, El Paso, Texas 88547-0897 ..
- "The Shallow Sky Bulletin " ( ISSN 0897-2532 ) was published by Stephen M . Smith from 1986 through 2000.
- Prada, for example, on via dei Condotti 92 / 95, ( 39-06 ) 679 0897, is overrun by Japanese and American tourists fighting over stiletto-heeled mules and designer handbags.
- Best of all, the " Grits Guide " _ with recipes included _ can be obtained free by writing to Quaker Grits Stop, P . O . Box 770897, El Paso, Texas 88547-0897.
- Gunmen killed a Red Cross worker in southern Afghanistan on Thursday in an attack that appeared to have been deliberately aimed a | # 5924372991 0897 * 064107397 : 87887922 : 7 : 4237; 297627 : 072 : 4247 : 2970 : 4770689esence in Afghanistan, government officials said on Friday.
- 0459, 0802, 0831, 0839, 0860, 0881, 0891, 0893, 0897, 0898, 0921, 0941, 0961, 0979, 0987, 0998 and 0999 had never been used for geographic area codes, so could be used for non-geographic and mobile services as soon as the need arose.