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  • For more info call Greg Hudspeth at 770-432-0917.
  • Information : ( 800 ) 289-0917.
  • Craft Supplies USA _ ( 801 ) 373-0917 _ sells a double-sided tape that takes a fierce grip.
  • Y0018 aramco 892 12-17 18 : 48-----ri . 1103 AP-Kosovo-Shooting, 0917
  • An MAIT's status is signified by a vertical red stripe on the MCMAP belt and a secondary MOS of 0917 ( formerly 8552 ).
  • The Japanese surface force broke off its pursuit from 0912 0917 hours, and after milling around in apparent confusion for a time, retired northward to San Bernardino Strait.
  • By 0917, Sprague ordered Hathaway to lay smoke on the port quarter of the CVEs, and by 0930 the group had reformed in its normal formation and was headed southward.
  • Open Tuesday through Sunday, 10 a . m . to 5 p . m . Admission $ 1.15, half price for children; ( 55-11 ) 6693-0917.
  • The state-owned national power company, Tenaga Nasional, said a trip at a power station in Paka, in northeast Malaysia, caused the blackout at 5 : 17 p . m . Saturday ( 0917 GMT ).
  • The defendants, among whom is Giorgadze's niece Maia Topuria, were convicted and sentenced from 4 to 8 years of imprisonment [ http : / / www . csmonitor . com / 2007 / 0917 / p07s02-woeu . htm.
  • The combined fire of " Thornton " and accounted for at least one Japanese torpedo bomber and probably discouraged two more from making a run on as the oiler changed berths during the second dive-bombing attack between 0910 and 0917 . " Thornton " suffered no casualties during the attack on Pearl Harbor.