- Jones Dairy Farm, Box 952, Grandville, Mich . 49468-0952.
- Rockets were set to fire automatically to crash the craft on the lunar surface at 0952 GMT.
- 19 February : the Egyptian delegation complained that on 19 February armed Israelis opened automatic fire across the demarcation line at an Arab working in his field at M . R . 0952-0931.
- The Barge Lady, 101 West Grand Avenue, Suite 200, Chicago, Ill . 60610; ( 800 ) 880-0071 or ( 312 ) 245-0900, fax ( 312 ) 245-0952.
- The halfway point came at 0952 GMT as Fossett was concluding a pre-dawn crossing of Argentina that credited him with 9, 773 miles ( 15, 728 kilometers ) since his June 18 launch from Australia.
- The Barge Lady is at 101 West Grand Ave ., Chicago, Ill . 60610; ( 800 ) 880-0071 or ( 312 ) 245-0900, fax ( 312 ) 245-0952; bargelady . com.
- The 354-pound ( 159-kilo ) spacecraft was to complete its highly successful voyage of discovery at 5 : 52 a . m . EDT ( 0952 GMT ) Saturday by smashing into a shadowed crater that scientists believe may contain frozen water.
- At least 20 observatory telescopes focused on the moon's south pole as the spacecraft, in its final task for science, dove toward a frozen crater and smashed itself around 5 : 52 a . m . EDT ( 0952 GMT ) Saturday.
- *1997 McDonnell-Douglas F-15C-39-MC Eagle . 85-0099, c / n 0952 / C341, of the 58th TFS, 33rd TFW, based at Eglin AFB, catches fire on take-off from Eglin.
- The competitors so far range from a } 0952 : 3407 : / : 42'0 : 47706 997140 : 47773 ) 21 : 94 : 429 " 206299; 4414923 : 60 : 299 : 7151975299 / : 77 : 42999 : 140 9 : 42 * 74; 299ity of Houston.
- In an online survey conducted earlier this year of nearly 1, 400 employees at thrEe | 0932472 : 9 : 9406176807429; 47829977066 1092379080927 : 794760; & amp; 2 : & amp; 4329 & amp; 0 : : 92 & amp; 0952 : Institute found that almost half the men and women surveyed reported they contributed nearly $ 3, 300 a year to cover expenses for giving such care.