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1 centimetreの例文


  • These are followed by ovoid capsules which are about 1 centimetre in diameter.
  • One furlong per fortnight is very nearly 1 centimetre per minute ( to within 1 part in 400 ).
  • This plant is a perennial herb with a large taproot which can be 1 metre long and 1 centimetre wide.
  • Nesquik Cereal was first manufactured by Cereal Partners in 1999 . The cereal consists of small, about 1 centimetre in diameter spheres of chocolate cereal.
  • :: Note : The section uses the galileo ( symbol : " Gal " ), which is a cgs unit for acceleration of 1 centimetre / second 2.
  • The unit of gaussian charge, the statcoulomb, is such that two units, a distance of 1 centimetre apart, repel each other with a force equal to the cgs unit of force, the dyne.
  • Neutron stars have a solid crust, but most emit lethal doses of radiation, and even just lifting your little finger 1 centimetre would require as much energy as 72 climbs of Mount Everest . ka 17 : 45, 7 December 2006 ( UTC)
  • *" Viruses are about 100 times smaller than bacteria, and it would take 30, 000 to 750, 000 of them, side by side, to cover 1 centimetre ( 0.39 in ) . "-This kind of comparative statistic is very evocative for a reader like myself who doesn't deal in measurements on a daily basis.
  • By 26 February 2010 the Global Positioning System ( GPS ) equipment used by the Iceland Meteorological Office at 辭rvaldseyri farm in the Eyjafj鰈l area ( around southeast of the location of the recent eruption ) had shown 3 centimetres of displacement of the local crust in a southward direction, of which a 1 centimetre displacement had taken place within four days . ( See the " GPS Time Series " page of the Nordic Volcanological Center's website for detailed information on the degree of movement detected in the Earth's crust in the Eyjafjallaj鰇ull locality .)