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10 dimensionsの例文


  • They differ by the gauge group in 10 dimensions.
  • In 10 dimensions, the case relevant for superstring theory, there are 10 constraints
  • The permutation representation on 11 points gives a complex irreducible representation in 10 dimensions.
  • Is it a linear progression ( ie : 10 dimensions is twice the complexity of 5 dimensions )?
  • However, by moving to 10 dimensions one loses the sense of uniqueness of the 11-dimensional theory.
  • Meanwhile, a superstring worldsheet theory in 10 dimensions consists of 10 free scalar fields and their fermionic superpartners.
  • For one thing, the modern version of the theory decreed that there are 10 dimensions of space and time.
  • Paracompact groups have affine or hyperbolic subgraphs, and infinite facets or vertex figures, and exist in 2 through 10 dimensions.
  • String theory predicts not just a fifth dimension, but 10 dimensions ( 9 of which are spatial, one for time ).
  • More recently, though, physicists have suggested that quarks and everything else are made of far tinier objects : superstrings vibrating in 10 dimensions.
  • In superstring theory, different vibrations of the strings in 10 dimensions represent particles that carry all the known forces in the universe, including gravity.
  • Many physicists are placing their bets on string theory's mathematically imposing edifice in which nature comprises tiny strings vibrating in 10 dimensions of space-time.
  • This is the smallest possible dimension of a faithful complex representation, though there are also two other such representations in 10 dimensions forming a complex conjugate pair.
  • According to this view, everything is generated from the interactions of tiny stringlike objects, but the theory works only if they are allowed 10 dimensions to play around in.
  • Superstring theory holds that the particles making up matter and energy are secondary manifestations _ epiphenomena _ generated by tiny objects called strings and branes vibrating in a space of 10 dimensions.
  • Editing my User page = Not accepting the current state of the User page " Dimension10 " = Not accepting 10 dimensions = Being plagued / Haunted by Pauli-Villar ghost statesj.
  • The UW gang has come up with an innovative experiment aimed at peeling back some of this mystery, with one implication being that they may find reality has 10 dimensions rather than four.
  • In conversation, Ms . Streb makes casual references to superstring theory, which seeks to explain how structure evolved in the universe, and to the possibility that there are 10 dimensions instead of 4.
  • The ultimate explanation of nature would finally come together, it was promised, if one thought of the hundreds of subatomic particles as musical notes produced by incredibly tiny strings vibrating in a realm made of 10 dimensions.
  • The strings supposedly exist in 10 dimensions, and since our world apparently has only four dimensions, theorists speculate that entities related to the particles that are thought to carry the gravitational force could be created in the accelerators and speed away into the extra dimensions.
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