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102 bcの例文


  • In 102 BC, Pednelissus became subject to Rome.
  • The Teutons were ultimately defeated in 102 BC.
  • Marius'colleague Quintus Lutatius Catulus in 102 BC did not have as much luck.
  • Metellus Numidicus was elected censor in 102 BC in partnership with his cousin Gaius Caecilius Metellus Caprarius.
  • This gave Marius time to build a new army and in 102 BC he moved against the Teutons.
  • In 102 BC the Cimbri returned from Hispania into Gaul and together with the Teutones decided to invade Italy.
  • Cilicia, Pamphylia, Phrygia and Pisida were freed from pirates and Roman rule was restored in 102 BC.
  • Cilicia had been made the military operational area of Marcus Antonius Orator for his 102 BC campaign against the pirates.
  • The Roman general Gaius Marius crushed the last serious resistance in 102 BC by defeating the Cimbri and the Teutons.
  • The Pisidians cast their lot with pirate-dominated Cilicia and Pamphylia until Roman rule was restored in 102 BC.
  • While the Teutones and Ambrones were slaughtered in 102 BC by Gaius Marius, the Cimbri and the Tigurini wintered in the Padan plain.
  • The first Roman campaign against the pirates was led by Marcus Antonius Orator in 102 BC . Parts of Cilicia Pedias became Roman territory.
  • His younger daughter's last surviving child Sempronia, wife and then widow of Scipio Aemilianus, was alive as late as 102 BC.
  • Catulus had been the colleague of Marius during his consulship in 102 BC, and had shared his Cimbri, but had later broken with him.
  • In 102 BC the Cimbres went east while the Teutons and their new allies, the Ambrons marched south through Provence, heading toward Northern Italy.
  • Gaius Marius met them near Aix in autumn 102 BC and defeated them, killing, according to Plutarch, one hundred thousand Teutons and Ambrons.
  • He was elected as tribune of the plebs in 102 BC . His wife's name is not known; they had a son Quintus Pompeius Bithynicus.
  • He started his " cursus honorum " as quaestor in 113 BC and in 102 BC he was elected praetor with proconsular powers for the Roman province of Cilicia.
  • After a severe defeat at a place called Yucheng, Li concluded that he was not strong enough to take the enemy capital and therefore returned to Dunhuang about 102 BC.
  • After a severe defeat at a place called Yucheng Li concluded that he was not strong enough to take the enemy capital and therefore returned to Dunhuang ( about 102 BC ).
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