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1021 ceの例文


  • Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah banned mulukhiyah sometime during his reign ( 996-1021 CE ).
  • The common Fatimid Caliph Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah sometime during his reign ( 996-1021 CE ).
  • During the Song Dynasty, in 1021 CE, it is recorded that there were 458, 855 Buddhist monks and nuns actively living in monasteries.
  • It is dated to 1076 VS, and the exact date corresponds to 24 December 1021 CE . It was found by a farmer in an agricultural field near Ujjain.
  • According to Al Beruni, Bhimapala succeeded his father Trilochanapala  and after five years under him the sovereignty of Hind became extinct and no descendant remained to light a fire on the hearth .  In 1021 CE Mahmud again marched towards Kashmir .  The fort of Lohkot was invested.