1063 ceの例文
- There is also evidence to suggest that Kulottunga in his youth ( 1063 CE ) was in Srivijaya restoring order and maintaining Chola influence in that area.
- There is hardly any difference between the last known date of Yashovarman's father Madanavarman ( 1063 CE ) and the earliest known date of his son Paramardi-deva ( 1066 CE ).
- In Dhu'l Hijjah 456 H ( December 1063 CE ) Alp-Arslan's forces achieved their goal, despite the flooding of a salt-marsh to hinder their approach, and the fleeing Qutlumush was killed, allegedly in a fall from his horse.
- The childless Tughril later married one of Da'ud's wives, and installed her son Sulayman at Ray as his successor, but when he died shortly afterwards, in Ramadan 455 H ( September 1063 CE ), Da'ud's other son Qutlumush ibn Arslan Isra'il, who invoked the Turkic tradition that the most senior male member of the family should succeed to power.
- The primary source for details of Al-Mu'ayyad's life are his own memoirs, the " Sirat al-Mu'ayyad fi d-Din ", which was written in three stages between the years 1051 and 1063 CE . He is also mentioned in the works of Nasir Khusraw, another prominent Isma'ili scholar of the time, who had learned under al-Mu'ayyad.