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10th doctorの例文


  • However, the power is too much even for him, and he regenerates into the 10th Doctor.
  • He starred as Daniel Llewellyn in the 2005 Christmas special of " Doctor Who ", which introduced David Tennant as the 10th Doctor.
  • The 10th Doctor ( Tennant ) wore a brown overcoat, which is variously described as a cinnamon-brown full length double breasted wool mix overcoat.
  • The college contains many programs, including the 10th Doctor of Nursing program, several nurse practitioner programs, a Master's-entry nursing anesthesia program.
  • :The site is blocked for me in the office, but ThinkGeek at one point sold a ( very expensive ) licensed replica of the 10th Doctor's coat.
  • While the television series " Doctor Who " was off-air, McDaid wrote the 10th Doctor's continuing adventures, published in DWM, then collected in " The Crimson Hand ".
  • Idris makes a psychic connection with Rory to give him directions to a secondary control room ( identical to the 9th and 10th Doctor's TARDIS ), where he and Amy are able to lower the TARDIS's shields without House's interference.