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11th century ceの例文


  • It flourished between 3rd and 11th centuries CE.
  • The Hausa began to adopt Islam as early as the 11th century CE although in small numbers.
  • Chhaya's tale is also found in the 11th century CE " Kathasaritsagara ".
  • Hence, in the 11th century CE, Abhayadevasuri wrote a comprehensive Sanskrit gloss on the Sthananga Sutra.
  • The oldest surviving manuscripts of the Rigveda are dated to the 11th century CE . [ citation needed ].
  • "Chaturmukha ", a four-faced Brahma image at Jain Temple in Lakkundi, 11th century CE
  • Jewish prayerbooks emerged during the early Middle Ages during the period of the Geonim of Babylonia ( 6th 11th Centuries CE)
  • Al-Birwa was mentioned in the mid-11th century CE by the Ottomans, who ruled it for four centuries.
  • The Adinatha temple is dated to the late 11th century CE . It was probably constructed slightly later than the Vamana temple.
  • Forming sometime after the 11th century CE, the Kel Ayr were one of the earlier Tuareg groups to arrive in the A飏.
  • From the 11th century CE onwards, once the Babylonian Targum had become normative, the Galilean version became heavily influenced by it.
  • But by the 11th century CE, Vaishnava Bhakti schools with elaborate theological frameworks around the worship of Krishna were established in north India.
  • Sixteen-pointed uninterrupted stellate floorplan ( one side of the shrine ), Trimurti Temple at Savadi in Gadag district, 11th century CE
  • The village was inhabited continuously from the 2nd century BCE to the 11th century CE, when it was abandoned sometime before the 749 earthquake.
  • Quraishi argued that the present-day Ayodhya was originally called Saket, and Hindus probably renamed it to " Ayodhya " in the 11th century CE.
  • In the 11th century CE, Chudamani Vihara, a Buddhist monastery, was built by Javanese king Sri Vijaya Soolamanivarman with the patronage of Raja Raja Chola.
  • The temple was constructed in the Paramara period during the 10-11th century CE . The installation of the image of Mangala Devi dates back to 1306.
  • The 11th century CE saw an influx of the Soninke people, who were trying to escape from the expansion of the Ghana Empire, with Mandinka populations following.
  • The region had been part of various Bamar kingdoms at least from 11th century CE to 19th century CE before the British Empire took over all of Upper Myanmar in 1885.
  • According to some historians, Majoka tribe migrated from Spain in the 11th century CE . This model about the Majoka tribe states that the Majokas are descendents of Spinard Arabs.
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