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125 adの例文


  • An even later author, Plutarch ( c . 45 to 125 AD ) mentions traditions regarding the Lelantine War twice.
  • The District seems to have been subjected to the rule of Gautamaputra Satakarnin, about 125 AD, who drove away the Kshaharatas.
  • "' Saint Thamel "'and companions ( died 125 AD ) are a group of 2nd century Christian martyrs.
  • The second issue, which is set to reach newsstands Nov . 28, already has commitments for 125 ad pages, Pecker said.
  • In 124-125 AD, when the strongly Philhellene Hadrian visited Athens, a massive building programme was begun that included the completion of the Temple of Olympian Zeus.
  • The Chinese Hou Hanshu chronicles gives an account of the formation of the Kushan empire based on a report made by the Chinese general Ban Yong to the Chinese Emperor c . 125 AD:
  • The lead character, Colin MacLeod, became an " Immortal " after his first death in 125 AD in Roman Britain, when his village was attacked by the conquering Romans.
  • After the military occupation the mine may have been taken over by Romano-British civilian contractors some time after 125 AD, although the final history of the site has yet to be determined.
  • The emperor Hadrian delivered what was perhaps a funeral speech from the " Rostra ad Divi Iuli " in 125 AD, as can be seen on the coin series struck for the occasion.
  • The use of an armillary sphere is recorded from the 4th century BC and a sphere permanently mounted in equatorial axis from 52 BC . In 125 AD Zhang Heng used water power to rotate the sphere in real time.
  • Further confusion between and is found in Palestine in the early 2nd century, and the confusion between and starting from c . 125 AD in Attic suggests that the monophthongization took place in the early 2nd century AD in learned Attic.
  • This might have actually been the design of one Loxia Hong ( c . 110 BC ), yet by 125 AD the mechanical odometer carriage in China was already known ( depicted in a mural of the Xiao Tang Shan Tomb ).
  • A writing tablet from Londinium ( Roman London ), dated to c . 75 125 AD, records the sale of a Gallic slave girl called Fortunata for 600 denarii, equal to 2, 400 Sestertii, to a man called Vegetus.
  • The Catholic Dictionary also dates Matthew as having been written before 50 AD . By bringing Matthew's gospel to India, Bartholomew would also confirm this early dating, thereby refuting the contemporary theory that Matthew was written between 70 and 125 AD.
  • From these small passages, it could be concluded that " Quadratus of Athens wrote when Hadrian visited Athens ", that is, around the winter of 124-125 AD; " Aristides and Justin probably replied to the attack made by the rhetorician Fronto " who was " consul suffectus " in 143.
  • In the subsequent Eastern Han Dynasty ( 23-220 AD ) period, the astronomers Fu An and Jia Kui added the elliptical ring by 84 AD . With the famous statesman, astronomer, and inventor Zhang Heng ( _ a? 78-139 AD ), the sphere was totally complete in 125 AD, with horizon and meridian rings.
  • After ruling the Maltese Church for thirty-one years, Publius was transferred to the See of Athens in 90 AD, where he was martyred in 125 AD . There is scant information about the continuity of Christianity in Malta in subsequent years, although tradition has it that there was a continuous line of bishops from the days of St . Paul to the time of Emperor Constantine.