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1275 ceの例文


  • After Jayasimha's death around 1275 CE, the Paramara minister rebelled against his king.
  • According to the more accepted tradition on Dnyaneshwar's life, he was born in 1275 CE and died in 1296 CE.
  • During 1944, Chinese copper coins were unearthed from Thaliketti village in the region, dated to Sui period ( 585 CE ) to the end of Song period ( 1275 CE ).
  • After Vitthalapant returned to his wife and settled down in Alandi, Rakhumabai gave birth to four children Nivruttinath ( 1273 CE ), Dnyaneshwar ( 1275 CE ), Sopan ( 1277 CE ) and Muktabai ( 1279 CE ).
  • The oldest document referring to the settlement of " Aemstelredamme " ( Amsterdam )'dam in the river Amstel'comes from a document dated October 27, 1275 CE . Inhabitants of the village were, by this document, exempted from paying a Floris V.