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1295 adの例文


  • However, the Mongol rulers Ghazan of Ilkhanate and Uzbeg of Golden Horde converted to Islam in 1295 AD and 1313 AD respectively.
  • The surname " Evatt / Euote " was first seen in England in the year 1295 AD, and recorded in the Barnwell Church.
  • When Alauddin Khilji killed his uncle Jalaluddin Khilji in 1295 AD / 695 AH, many prisoners ran away from the jails and many were killed.
  • Mongol ruler Ghazan, who received Buddhist education in his youth, converted to Islam in 1295 AD and made it the state religion of the Ilkhanate.
  • He appears as a formless black void, with seven pulsing orb-like eyes, and is mainly worshiped by ghouls, which tribute him in a defiled cult described in the mysterious " Cambuluc Scrolls " of the wizard Lang-Fu, dating back 1295 AD . Peering through the eyes of this god, after a hideous and devastating ritual, allows one to see straight into Azathoth's court.