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14 amendmentの例文


  • The Senate voted 45 to 26 in favor of the bill after making 14 amendments.
  • The Act has had 14 amendments, including two consolidations ( in 1986 and 2006 ).
  • During its 2002 annual session, the People's Consultative Assembly ( MPR ) added 14 amendments to the Constitution of Indonesia.
  • Democrats are insisting that they be allowed to offer up to 14 amendments to the bill before they will agree to end a week-long filibuster.
  • While the Israeli government has affirmed the Bush administration's " vision " of Israeli-Palestinian peace, however, it has proposed at least 14 amendments to the plan.
  • But Senate leaders last night were deadlocked in a partisan dispute over the measure, with Democrats refusing to end a filibuster unless the Republican majority permitted votes on as many as 14 amendments to the education bill.
  • The Senate debate took five days . That was largely because the chamber ruminated at length over 14 amendments, most by Democrats and most defeated, dealing with everything from the ownership of senators'frequent-flyer miles to a union dispute at tire factories.
  • The bill was published on 27 March 2001, the same day as bills for amendments numbered John O'Donoghue tabled 14 amendments to the Bill, a procedure which the Opposition condemned as cavalier; in the absence of cross-party support the government withdrew the Bill from the Order Paper.
  • Here are summaries of the 14 amendments approved for statewide ballots on Tuesday, Nov . 4 : _ Homestead Part 2 _ Even if voters reject the proposals on Aug . 9, a Nov . 4 ballot issue will give them a second chance to consider giving the elderly the ability to transfer their exemption from one homestead to another.