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141st tfsの例文


  • The 141st TFS, having left their F-84F's in France, were re-equipped with F-86H's upon their return.
  • This consisted of 28 F-84Fs of the 141st TFS and officers and airmen from all three squadrons, with the remaining aircraft and personnel remaining on active duty at their home stations.
  • This consisted of 28 F-84F's of the 141st TFS and officers and airmen from all three squadrons, with the remaining aircraft and personnel remaining on active duty at their home stations.
  • When activated, the 108th consisted of three squadrons, the 119th TFS at Atlantic City Airport, the 141st TFS McGuire Air Force Base, New Jersey, and the 149th TFS from the Virginia ANG at Byrd Field, near Richmond, Virginia.
  • The F-86H was a viable aircraft in the ANG's inventory, with the Sabres from both the 101st and 131st TFS's being sent to the New Jersey ANG, and the 119th and 141st TFS's sending their F-84Fs to the Massachusetts squadrons.
  • At the height of the Cold War in 1961, the squadron was again federalized as a result of tensions concerning the Berlin Wall . 28 F-84F's of the 141st TFS and officers and airmen from all three squadrons of the 108th TFW were deployed to Chaumont-Semoutiers AB, France on 16 October with the last aircraft and personnel arriving on 6 November.