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1809 instrument of governmentの例文


  • According to the 1809 Instrument of Government, power was to be divided between the King and the Riksdag.
  • This was codified in the Instrument of Government of 1720 and on 8 July the same year 1809 Instrument of Government ( ?31 ) until 1965.
  • When Carl Gustaf ascended the throne, plans were already in place to replace the 1809 Instrument of Government which gave the King extensive involvement with government.
  • While the monarch is no longer the commander-in-chief ( ) of the Swedish Armed Forces, as he once was under the 1809 Instrument of Government
  • The seat of the Riksdag is at 1809 Instrument of Government that body was transformed into a bicameral legislature with an upper chamber ( ) and a lower chamber ( ).
  • In the words of the 1809 Instrument of Government, the Riksdag was to appoint a man " known for his knowledge of the law and exemplary probity " as Parliamentary Ombudsman.
  • Royal Majesty was the commonly used term to refer to the supreme executive authority under the 1809 Instrument of Government : where the King made all decisions of state in the presence of his cabinet ministers.
  • The term " Kunglig Majest鋞 " was also used by three courts acting on the king's behalf and using the king's seal according to section 23 in the 1809 Instrument of Government.
  • When he ascended the throne, Gustaf V was, at least on paper, a 1809 Instrument of Government made the king both head of state and head of government, and ministers were solely responsible to him.
  • In contrast, Sweden's king was a near-autocrat; the 1809 Instrument of Government stated unequivocally that " the king alone shall govern the realm . " More ( male ) citizens in Norway ( around 40 % ) had the right to vote than in the socially more stratified Sweden.
  • During the tenure of Olof Palme, several major reforms in the Swedish constitution were carried out, such as orchestrating a switch from bicameralism to unicameralism in 1969 and in 1975 replacing the 1809 Instrument of Government ( at the time the oldest political constitution in the world after that of the monarchy of all formal political powers.