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1821 revolutionの例文


  • The travellers 1821 Revolution with 720 families and 3, 500 inhabitants.
  • Turkish rule continued with heavy taxation but with relative calm until the 1821 revolution.
  • It is based on one of the flags which the ships of Hydra sailed under during the 1821 revolution.
  • After the 1821 revolution the plot was confiscated along with the rest of Turkish property of Greece and became the Ruf National Farm.
  • Born in 1821 Revolution, his family took refuge in Chi _ inu, Bessarabia, where he met Alexander Pushkin and became interested in literature.
  • Even more dramatic in their depictions were the later Konstantinos Volanakis ( 1837 1907 ) and Ioannis Altamouras ( 1852 1878 ), that were focused more on the naval battles of the 1821 Revolution.
  • During the 1821 Revolution, the skete was besieged and robbed by otomans : the goods have been stolen and the nuns were cast out or killed; in that year mother Olimpiada took refuge in Secu Monastery.
  • It includes prophecies of the invasion of the Holy Mountain during the Greek Revolution, the 1821 Revolution itself, the end of monasticism on the Holy Mountain, and the struggles of the monks of the last times.
  • Geliniatika village was settled a few years before the 1821 Revolution, by residents from the nearby mountainous Gelini, who would come down towards the coast with their herds to pass the winter, or to find work from the Turkish settlers.
  • The Reading Room opened in 1857, designed by the British Museum's architect, Sir Robert Smirke, to meet the wishes of its Italian librarian, Sir Anthony Panizzi, who fled to England to escape retribution for his part in an 1821 revolution.