19 equal temperamentの例文
- This amounts to a specification of 19 equal temperament for a keyboard version of this chanson.
- Both 24 and 19 equal temperament map the septimal major third and the septimal narrow fourth ( 21 : 16 ) to the same interval.
- It is also tempered out by 19 equal temperament and 72 equal temperament, but it is " not " tempered out in 12 equal temperament.
- It is tempered out in 19 equal temperament and 31 equal temperament, but not in 22 equal temperament, 34 equal temperament, 41 equal temperament, or 53 equal temperament.
- Further citations appear in Wikipedia articles on the Deep scale property, Triad ( music ), Trichord, Tetrad ( music ), Hexachord, 19 equal temperament, and Polite number.
- However, he may be best known as the author of " A Theory of Evolving Tonality " ( 1932 ) and advocate of progressive equal temperaments; Yasser wrote music in 19 equal temperament.
- 19 equal temperament has several intervals which are simultaneously subminor, supermajor, augmented, and diminished, due to tempering and enharmonic equivalence ( both of which work differently in 19-ET than standard tuning ).
- In modern usage, split sharps are usually the method of choice for custom keyboards that play 19 equal temperament, which, like meantone, uses different pitches for sharps and flats that are enharmonic in the standard 12 tone.
- With a more extreme meantone temperament, like 19 equal temperament, the wolf is large enough that it is closer in size to a sixth than a fifth, and sounds like a different interval altogether rather than a mistuned fifth.
- 12 equal temperament and 22 equal temperament do not distinguish between these tritones; 19 equal temperament does distinguish them but doesn't match them closely . 31 equal temperament and 41 equal temperament both distinguish between and closely match them.
- In this he was followed in the twentieth century by theorist Jos?W黵schmidt, who noted it as a possible next step after 19 equal temperament, and J . Murray Barbour in his survey of tuning history, " Tuning and Temperament ".
- The 19 equal temperament, first proposed and used by Guillaume Costeley in the 16th century, uses 19 equally spaced tones, offering better major thirds and far better minor thirds than normal 12-semitone equal temperament at the cost of a flatter fifth.
- The harmonic major scale may also be considered a synthetic scale, primarily used for implying and relating to various altered chords, with major and minor qualities in each meantone tuning, such as 19 equal temperament or 31 equal temperament, as well as 12 equal temperament.
- In 19 equal temperament, where a whole tone is divided into " three " steps instead of two, music is typically notated in a way that flats and sharps are not usually enharmonic ( thus a C represents a third of a step lower than D ); this has the advantage of not requiring any nonstandard notation.
- This connection with the major scale is more plain in the context of 19 equal temperament : counting the tonic as 0, the notes of the major scale in 19 equal temperament are numbers 0 ( or 19 ), 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, the same numbers as the leap years in the Hebrew calendar.
- This connection with the major scale is more plain in the context of 19 equal temperament : counting the tonic as 0, the notes of the major scale in 19 equal temperament are numbers 0 ( or 19 ), 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, the same numbers as the leap years in the Hebrew calendar.