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1911 encyclopediaの例文


  • The 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica also says there is one Azerbaijan.
  • Thouands aof our current articles in english are base don the 1911 encyclopedia.
  • According to the 1911 encyclopedia, Aberdeenshire people have a quick, sharp, rather angry accent.
  • The 1911 Encyclopedia adds roe, woodcock, quail, and rail to Manwood's list.
  • A fusty old professor who swears by the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica and contributes nothing to human knowledge.
  • :As for comparing Wikipedia, I'm not sure the 1911 encyclopedia is such a good idea.
  • The classic 1911 Encyclopedia based on the 11th edition of Enclopedia Britanica published in 1911 states Mauri; Gr.
  • His / her poor understanding of what constitutes a reliable source is illustrated by our discussion about the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica.
  • The 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica mentioned the crwth in an article about transition of instruments from the lyre to plucked and bowed instruments.
  • :A lot of PG generated material is already in Wikipedia, especially a lot of articles imported from the 1911 encyclopedia.
  • It is also consistent with other encyclopedias such as the 1911 Encyclopedia, which specifically calls Cromarty a'former county '.
  • No doubt this is a typo by someone copying from the 1911 encyclopedia ( i . e . Felix, Marcus Minucius ).
  • :: : You should take a look at Wikipedia : 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica Just slapping a tag on is really not enough.
  • I also checked the 1911 encyclopedia and it's not the source, so I'm pretty confident this should be deleted.
  • In the case of material from the 1911 Encyclopedia Brittanica, : Template : 1911 is placed on the main page of the article.
  • Our article ( with the spelling " Capel " ) is from the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica, so might presumably be expected to be right.
  • Over at the 1911 Encyclopedia topics page we are enjoined to put the tag in any article that contains material from the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica.
  • Over at the 1911 Encyclopedia topics page we are enjoined to put the tag in any article that contains material from the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica.
  • You'll find similar examples in the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica, which was used to start off many Wikipedia articles because it was out of copyright.
  • Since the river article " Stanovoi mountains " thing came from the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica, it could just be that the names changed or became more specific.
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