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1915 avezzano earthquakeの例文


  • The "'1915 Avezzano earthquake "'occurred on January 13 in central Italy at.
  • In contemporary age two were the most important events : the " Revolution of Balsorano " of 1910, popular revolt against the harassment suffered by the powerful inhabitants of the old village, and the 1915 Avezzano earthquake.
  • :While I'm not a fan of DYK myself, it still IMHO get's some decent stuff . e . g . " that the 1915 Avezzano earthquake killed over 30, 000 people and flattened the town of Avezzano, Italy ? " " that wake lows and their associated heat bursts can cause high winds as well as large temperature spikes, even overnight ? " " that DNA analysis techniques are used to prevent fraudulent marketing of the false scad fish as a horse mackerel ? " " that " Flip Decision ", a 1952 Donald Duck comic book story, introduced the term flipism ? " " that wildfires have occurred on the Earth for over 420 million years ? " " that the Beiyue Temple ( pictured ) has China's largest surviving wooden building from the Yuan Dynasty ? " . " that the Battle of Big Dry Wash was the last battle fought between the Apache and the US Army and four Medals of Honor resulted from the battle ? " Some of these may be about things people have heard about but weren't necessarily aware of.