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1917 constitution of mexicoの例文


  • The 1917 Constitution of Mexico was created by the reformist movement.
  • Five articles of the 1917 Constitution of Mexico were particularly aimed at suppression of the Catholic Church.
  • Zapata's Plan of Ayala also influenced Article 27 of the progressive 1917 Constitution of Mexico that codified an agrarian reform program.
  • The first political 1917 Constitution of Mexico limited the participation in civil life of Roman Catholic organizations, and allowed government intervention to religious participation in politics.
  • His work on the Cristero War is crucial for the understanding of this major uprising in Mexico following the enforcement of the anticlerical articles of the 1917 Constitution of Mexico.
  • Mexico was exempted from the system of quotas created by the Immigration Act of 1924, with U . S . politicians hoping to dissuade the revolutionary government from carrying out the nationalization the nation's oil reserves decreed in the 1917 Constitution of Mexico.
  • The EZLN also called for greater democratization of the Mexican government, which had been controlled by the Partido Revolucionario Institucional ( Institutional Revolutionary Party, also known as PRI ) for 65 years, and for land reform mandated by the 1917 Constitution of Mexico but largely ignored by the PRI . The EZLN did not demand independence from Mexico, but rather autonomy in the forms of land access and use of natural resources normally extracted from Chiapas, as well as protection from despotic violence and political inclusion of Chiapas'indigenous communities.